Senedd Siambr

Senedd Siambr, The National Assembly for Wales

Home of the Welsh Parliament, the Senedd, is considered an iconic building for many different reasons.

It is a democratically elected body that represents the interests of Wales and its people, makes laws for the country, agrees taxes and holds the Welsh Government to account.

Designed by Lord Richard Rogers and Ivan Harbour, the Senedd was immediately recognised as a landmark building. The Welsh Parliament is committed to transparent democracy and the Senedd was designed to reflect this.

With a hundred-year design life, the Senedd features a range of hard-wearing, inert materials. Welsh slate steps bring the visitor upwards from the waterfront and encases the private spaces of the building. A lightweight gently undulating roof shelters both internal and external spaces, and is drawn down to form the funnel over the Siambr.


Ystyrir cartref Senedd Cymru, y Senedd, yn adeilad eiconig am lawer o wahanol resymau.

Mae’n gorff a etholwyd yn ddemocrataidd sy’n cynrychioli buddiannau Cymru a’i phobl, yn deddfu dros y wlad, yn cytuno ar drethi ac yn dwyn Llywodraeth Cymru i gyfrif.

Wedi’i ddylunio gan yr Arglwydd Richard Rogers ac Ivan Harbour, cydnabuwyd y Senedd ar unwaith fel adeilad nodedig. Mae Senedd Cymru wedi ymrwymo i ddemocratiaeth dryloyw ac mae’r Senedd wedi’i chynllunio i adlewyrchu hyn.

Gyda bywyd dylunio can mlynedd, mae’r Senedd yn cynnwys amrywiaeth o ddeunyddiau anadweithiol sy’n gwisgo’n galed. Mae grisiau llechi Cymru yn dod â’r ymwelydd i fyny o lan y dŵr ac yn ymlélu â mannau preifat yr adeilad. Mae toeau ysgafn ysgafn yn tonnog yn llochesi mewnol ac allanol, ac yn cael ei dynnu i lawr i ffurfio’r twndis dros y Siambr.

On either side of the Siambr are two internal courtyards, formed by two deep slots cut into the plinth, which provide daylight for a sequence of committee rooms and offices on the ground floor. These courtyards also add to the transparency of the building allowing views into the private spaces from the public levels above.

The glass walls of the Senedd represent the transparent nature of the work that goes on inside the building. The glazing allows natural light in, meaning the ceiling lights, operated by automatic lux meters, are off for most of the day. Some of the windows open automatically; in order to moderate the internal temperature of the building.

For this project, Dextra worked for the Welsh Parliament with contractor CBRE.


Ar y naill ochr i’r Siambr mae dau gwrt mewnol, a ffurfiwyd gan ddau slot dwfn wedi’u torri i’r plinth, sy’n darparu golau dydd ar gyfer cyfres o ystafelloedd pwyllgor a swyddfeydd ar y llawr gwaelod. Mae’r cwrtiau hyn hefyd yn ychwanegu at dryloywder yr adeilad gan ganiatáu golygfeydd i’r mannau preifat o’r lefelau cyhoeddus uchod.

Mae waliau gwydr y Senedd yn cynrychioli natur dryloyw y gwaith sy’n digwydd y tu mewn i’r adeilad. Mae’r gwydro yn caniatáu golau naturiol i mewn, sy’n golygu bod y goleuadau nenfwd, a weithredir gan fetrau lux awtomatig, i ffwrdd am y rhan fwyaf o’r dydd. Mae rhai o’r ffenestri yn agor yn awtomatig; er mwyn cymedroli tymheredd mewnol yr adeilad.

Ar gyfer y prosiect hwn, bu Dextra yn gweithio i Senedd Cymru gyda’r contractwr CBRE.

The main aim was to improve the lighting efficiency and performance in the main debating chamber. This involved upgrading all old fluorescent lighting to LED, which is important to the Senedd and its members, as they want to be seen as ‘leading from the front’ on issues such as energy efficiency.

Also, as well as improving the aesthetics of the chamber for the members and people that work there, debates are also published and are live on BBC2 Wales every week. With this in mind, Dextra had to check luminaires were flicker free and were ideal to be able to cooperate with the live TV cameras and other equipment used for the broadcasts.

An overall energy saving of 50% was achieved on the project.


Y prif nod oedd gwella effeithlonrwydd goleuadau a pherfformiad yn y brif siambr drafod. Roedd hyn yn cynnwys uwchraddio pob hen oleuadau fflwroleuol i LED, sy’n bwysig i’r Senedd a’i haelodau, gan eu bod am gael eu hystyried yn ‘arwain o’r blaen’ ar faterion fel effeithlonrwydd ynni.

Hefyd, yn ogystal â gwella estheteg y siambr i’r aelodau a’r bobl sy’n gweithio yno, mae dadleuon hefyd yn cael eu cyhoeddi ac yn fyw ar BBC2 Cymru bob wythnos. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, roedd yn rhaid i Dextra wirio bod llinellau yn rhydd o flicker ac roeddent yn ddelfrydol i allu cydweithredu â’r camerâu teledu byw ac offer arall a ddefnyddir ar gyfer y darllediadau.

Cyflawnwyd arbediad ynni cyffredinol o 50% ar y prosiect.



Overview: The Elisian offers an attractive polo ring design adding visual interest to installations whilst also allowing simple inclusion of sensor controls for both presence detection and daylight regulation.

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